Friday, April 20, 2012

Spring Garden In Full Bloom

Here you can finally see how tiny my plot really is.  Because we live in a rent-controlled apartment in the middle of Silver Lake leaving has never really been an option.  The only times I fantasize about leaving are the times when I'm frustrated by how little square footage I actually have to grow food in.

Above you see my budding zucchini and my row of mesclun salad mix.   These two crops are growing in our front yard where there is a weird triangle shaped bed separating our cottage from our neighbors.  She was nice enough to let me plant on her side of the "triangle" increasing my square footage by a bit.

Above you see a few of my containers. The last of the Spring beets are growing in the wood box and I've started a few tomatoes in the terracotta planter.

Although small, this garden is my pride and joy and for the first time I've got a steady supply of food to feed my boyfriend and myself.  Would I love a bigger garden?  Absolutely.  Would I leave Silver Lake for more garden space?  Not a chance.

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